
We believe in protecting the health and safety of our people, continually aiming for zero incidents and injuries.
We want everyone on our team and those we work with to go home to their families safe and healthy at the end of each day.
DualLink's high-speed telemetry and ability to send power from surface to downhole lead to safer operations.

connects downhole to surface
DualLink™ offers a safer, more reliable wired drill pipe compared to traditional methods.

High-speed digital telemetry enables remote operations
This removes personnel from the “red-zone” on the rig floor and allows further reductions in the required number of personnel on board the rig, accommodation, associated helicopter/boat/truck trips - improving operational safety.
Connecting downhole to surface with high speed telemetry allows diagnosis of well control “kicks” and hole stability issues sooner, either at the rig site or by expert personnel that can monitor several operations concurrently in remote operational centres, leading to safer operations.

Sending power from surface to downhole increases efficiency and mitigates safety risks
Rigsite operations are made safer and more efficient in a number of ways:
Ability to configure shorter downhole tools without batteries
Combining pre-made tool assemblies in the workshop
Storing tools indefinitely at staging areas closer to the rig and pick tools up directly to the rig floor without needing personnel at the rigsite to load/unload batteries
Removes lithium batteries from downhole tools and mitigates safety hazards and costs involved with transporting, storing, manual handling of downhole tools